Given its impact across multiple channels of your business, it’s important you not only understand how to calculate your TRIR, but also how to keep this score as low as possible. How to Calculate Total Recordable Incident Rate OSHA uses TRIR, among several other methods, to gauge a company...
How to Calculate Lost Time Injury Rate Lost Time Injury Rate follows a simple formula. Divide the total number of lost time injuries in a certain time period by the total number of hours worked in that period, then multiply by 200,000 to get the LTIR. This number tells you the number o...
This allows us to calculate their age in each year from 1998 to 2015. We classify their ages into four cohorts: 16–25; 26–35; 36–45; and, over 45. Occupation: we collected detailed information about occupation, including position and industry. For example, were they a worker in a ...
To calculate the thermophysical and thermodynamic properties of seawater, add-on library functions available in the software are used. In addition, to conduct an economic analysis of the heat exchangers and dehumidifiers, the overall heat transfer coefficient of each heat exchanger is needed, which ...
Soil samples were oven-dried at 105 ◦C to a constant weight to calculate the gravimetric water content. In 2014, we only sampled at the V6 stage, but in 2015, we increased the sampling frequency to include V4. However, at the V6 stage in 2015 (10 Jun for PM, and 3 Jul for CK...