Intrinsicτs, free from crystal imperfections and nuclear spin fluctuation, is investigated first, which sets up the ideal limit for experiments. AtBext = 0, bulk CsPbBr3possesses both time-reversal (nonmagnetic) and spatial inversion symmetries, resulting in Kramers degeneracy of a pair of ba...
Intrinsicτs, free from crystal imperfections and nuclear spin fluctuation, is investigated first, which sets up the ideal limit for experiments. AtBext = 0, bulk CsPbBr3possesses both time-reversal (nonmagnetic) and spatial inversion symmetries, resulting in Kramers degeneracy of a pair of ba...
To quantify the extent of this degeneracy, we measure the “prospective potency” of a direction by the integrated squared error in output torques induced during movement by a fixed-sized perturbation of the initial condition along that direction. We can then calculate a full basis of orthogonal ...
To calculate the models, we created matrices of EEG data and matching stimuli for each attended and unattended condition per participant per group. The size of the matrices corresponded to the number of viable epochs per condition (minimum 100 for a single condition in each participant). ...
It is possible to calculate the expected average fragment size for a given genomic DNA if the percent GC content of the DNA and the recognition sequence of the restriction enzyme are known. For example, in a genome with 50% GC content and no dinucleotide bias, a four-cutter can be expecte...
Here, when accounting for fragments using the SY method, a better approximation would be to calculate survival yields with consideration of all fragment ions observed. In the present case, however, none of the additional fragmentation pathways were included in the calculation of the survival yield ...
We also discuss some possible problems related to such kinds of observation, in particular, the degeneracy between a VSL signal and a non-null spatial curvature. Keywords: cosmology; Baryon Acoustic Oscillations; speed of light 1. Introduction Within the topic “variation of fundamental constants”,...
For the damaged path in the bright SCT(1ππ*) state, the modified starting geometry with shorter interbase distance was used, while the Franck-Condon structure was applied to calculate the photophysical path. To consider the dynamic electron correlation effects, the single-point energy of ...
It is possible to calculate the expected average fragment size for a given genomic DNA if the percent GC content of the DNA and the recognition sequence of the restriction enzyme are known. For example, in a genome with 50% GC content and no dinucleotide bias, a four-cutter can be expecte...
𝜃θ is the angle between the direction of 𝐵1B1 and the normal to the plane of the loop (Figure 2). Figure 2. Geometry to calculate the magnetic flux through the surface of a coil as a function of the angle between the direction of B1 and the normal N perpendicular to the coil...