Calculate the tonnage of rock needed by converting the cubic foot volume into tons. Use the standard formula of 15 cubic feet of rock = 1 ton of rock. Divide the total cubic foot volume of rock by 15 to determine the number of tons of rock to purchase. For example, 180 cubic feet of...
Howdothetaxescalculatethetaxpayable(各税种分别如何计算应纳税额) Answer:(1)urbanmaintenanceconstructiontax. Calculationformula:taxamount=actualvalueaddedtax, consumptiontaxandtotalamountofbusinesstax*taxrate. Taxrate:7%inurbanarea,5%inCountytownand1%inother area. (2)personalincometax. Incomefromwagesand...
For the kitchen to remain comfortable, the HVAC ductwork would need to deliver 400 CFM of fresh air. Notethat theminutes required for the air to change once is the important number. This is because airflow is in CFM-cubic feetper minute, and you want the air to change every 6 minutes....
regardless of the orientation. Therefore, to calculate the volume of the oil tank, you can use the standard cylinder calculation. This formula uses the surface area of the rounded end times the length or height of the long side.
Make sure to use the correct units in these calculations. A Rolling Cylinder For a cylinder rolling down an inclined plane or a hill, you can calculate the final velocity using the formula for conservation of energy. This formula dictates that, if the cylinder starts from rest, the energy it...
Use Ctrl + Shift + Enter to enter them. Reply Milan says: 2016-02-01 at 8:50 amHi guys,I am using Excel 2010.I'd like to ask you for your kind support. I am looking for formula which calculate with text & no. (where no. is changing). Example:...
Formula: How To Calculate How Much Running An Air Conditioner Per Hour Costs In most basic terms, the formula of how much electricity expenditure we can expect from an air conditioner comes down to two things: Maximum power of the air conditioner (measured in W). We can find this in the...
I want to apply formula for calculate the no of Pointer mention in one cell can any one suggest me how to drived No. ... Reply shk says: 2017-02-02 at 3:49 am how to count different alphabet if many rows.. example: H2=JLT I2=JLT J2=#N/A H3=PPR I3=PPR J3=#N/A Reply...
Overtime is assumed to be 00:00 - 7:59 and 20:00 - 23:59. For my instance I need to filter for overtime hours to see from my data hom many tonnes have been lifted in the overtime.What I have tried was to use:Tonnage lifted in overtime indicator = CALCULATE(SUM(CargoLin...
According to The U.S. Department Of Energy recommendation for the size of room air conditioners: “…an air conditioner generally needs 20 BTU for each square foot of living space.” Based on room size, ceiling height, and other conditions, you can calculate how many BTU air conditioner you...