The use of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of pets is connected with discharge directly into the environment. The estimation (load) of this source has never been presented and is hard to calculate; some may say that this is a minor part of the total mass of pharmaceuticals introduced into t...
[24], was used to calculate sustainability scores for the clean technologies: ( )= I () V(ct) = ∑ wswiu(ct) where: V(ct) = global value function or total sustaii=na1bility score for a clean technology ct; = weight where: Vooff(cicmtr)ipt=eorrigtoalnoncbiea(olwfvimtahlauieneco...
Sci. 2023, 13, 668 aspect mentioned by the students was that the task is 'exciting' because they have to calculate quickly, considering that the robot is trying to catch them. Another a11spofe2c0t mentioned was the design of the penalty incentive. One student said that 'the robot should...