How do you calculate the actual mechanical advantage of a lever? How do you relate acceleration in two systems connected by pulleys? Give a reason why the efficiency of a movable pulley is always less than 100%. Is there a simple way to do block, pulley and inc...
What are the 3 types of pulleys? How do you calculate the mechanical advantage of a pulley? Give a reason why with a single fixed pulley, the velocity is always more than the mechanical advantage. Give two reasons why the efficiency of a single movable pulley is...
This is a common problem and not unique to Nissan vehicles. What is unique, however, is how much Nissan’s CVTs whine. There’s also clunking and rattling.The CVT transmission helps with fuel efficiency by increasing the mileage. (Photo: Loraks | Read More: The A to ...
Notice that the efficiency (η) of the belt drive system is included in the torque equation. This efficiency accounts for losses such as friction between the belt and pulleys. Also note that we’ve assumed the drive and idler (driven) pulleys have the same radius, which is often the case ...
Efficiency of Machines In every machine, some work is wasted overcoming the force of friction. The efficiency of a machine compares the output work to the input work. Calculating Efficiency To calculate the efficiency of a machine, divide the output work by the input work and multiply the resul...
Step 1: SELECT a SHIP First things first – decide what ship you want to build. This decision alone may take many months of procrastination while sorting our all the facts that seem pertinent when in reality, it doesn’t make all that much difference. I have participated in about 50 rc ...
How to Calculate Drill Speed Speed refers to the revolutions per minute (RPM) of the drilling machine spindle. For drilling, the spindle should rotate at a set speed that is selected for the material being drilled. Correct speeds are essential for satisfactory drilling. The speed at which a ...
Always measure belt thickness after a portion of the belt cover has been removed. First of all, you can’t calculate belt thickness by measuring the belt thickness at any point. The key is to measure it at the point where the splice will be installed. As the belt runs, it comes into ...
Calculate the total cost of the parts for your race car. Consider factors such as the quantity of each part required for the car. This will help you establish a budget for your team and ensure that your expenses align with your available resources. ...
How much work is done when a mass of 3 kg (weighing 30 N) is lifted vertically through 6 m?\A hiker climbs a hill 300 m high. If she has a mass of 50 kg, calculate the work she does in lifting her How much work does it take to lift a 180 kg weight 3...