Daniel Lee (15) of South Carolina writes: I play a lot of golf. I also play baseball. When I weightlift for baseball, my golf games goes sour. I do want to get stronger, bigger, and hit the golf ball farther. Do you have any suggestions on an exercise program for myself that wo...
However, you might be able to spin that kind of story into something more interesting by talking about how you lost that game because you stayed up the night before studying for a physics exam, which ended up revealing to you how much you love physics more than baseball. You could then ...
Deadlifts: pull the weight from the floor to your thighs with a neutral back. Here’s how to Deadlift with proper form: Stand with your mid-foot under the barbell Bend over and grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip Bend your knees until your shins touch the bar Lift your chest up ...
To be blunt, I am as mad as I have ever been about anything. I frequently get calls from clients who have been burned by some of these gurus who offer to teach someone how to make a million dollars in real estate overnight. In fact, real estate can be the fastest way tolosea lot ...
you might want to know if its y-coordinate is changing more rapidly than its x-coordinate (a fly ball) or if the reverse is true (a line drive). But what about the spinning of the tires or the rotation (spin) of the baseball as the car and the ball move toward their ultimate dest...
If you launch a rocket weighing 7 kg with a thrust of 520 N. What is its acceleration? If the same rocket is launched on the moon which has 1/6 of the gravity of Earth. Calculate the rate of accelerat A baseball is thrown str...
You should also note that the new acceleration is calculated after the position has been updated; you’re therefore using the current frame’s position to calculate the new forces, rather than using last frame’s position to calculate the new forces. ...
This is the classic trap. You see a crate full of something and look at the total price. In your mind, you quickly calculate the per-item cost and you are blown away at the savings. You buy it. Three months later you still have two-thirds of the product left and no desire to use...
You can use the energy to spin up a flywheel and then later extract the energy by using the flywheel to run a generator. 7. Heat You can store heat directly and later convert the heat to another form of energy like electricity.
When you calculate the cost of allowing heat to escape through a leaking ceiling canister light, the cost it takes to replace it with a more energy-efficient model is easy to justify. Attics and the Stack Effect The floor of an attic is an important battlefield on the energy conservation ...