While I’m far from a health or nutrition expert, I know how important it is to drink enough water each day. In fact, I’d say it might just be one of the simplest things we can do to improve our overall health. Water is free (or at least very frugal), it’s readily available...
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How do you find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle whose length is 6 meters and whose width is 4 meters in simplest radical form? Given the area and perimeter of a square are the same, find the exact length of the diagonal. ...
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The square root of 32 is an irrational number as it is non-terminating. It cannot be expressed in the form p/q which is what makes arational number. What is the exponent form of root 32? Theexponentform if root 32 is 321/2.
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Thus, the square root of 68 rounded to the nearest tenth is 8.2. What is the value of root √68? The value of √68 = 8.246 What is the square root of 68 in the simplest radical form? The square root of 68 in the simplest radical form is 2√17. It cannot be simplified further....
since the calculation is quite involved. One method to calculate the square root is to try out ...