My scene seems to have the moire patterns. I think that I must to calculate the shadow bias individually in each split? But I cannot find the algorithm and article of shadow bias. Colud somebody ever find the shadow bias's data?
You can calculate the height of a structure too tall to measure directly, such as a flagpole or a building, by geometric or trigonometric methods. In the former case, you compare the shadow of the measured structure to the shadow of a directly measurable object. In the latter case, you vi...
Note:Since you are creating star trails images while stacking the final images, you do not need trails in the individual images. So make use of the500 rule,600 ruleorNPF ruleto calculate exposure times for spot stars – whichever works best for you. You can also use the “spot stars” ...
width and height. Like a square, all sides of a cube by definition have the same value, so once you know the length of one edge, you also know the length of the other edges. Using this idea, you can calculate the mass of
To top things off, Mercury retrograde also has what’s called a “shadow period,” so you may feel the #retroshade a couple of weeks before and after the official Mercury Retrograde dates. Great, right? What to expect during Mercury Retrograde ...
A lamppost casts a shadow of 18 ft when the angle of elevation of the Sun is 33.7∘. How high is the lamppost? Trigonometric Ratio: Trigonometric ratios correspond to the relationship between the an interior angle of a right triangle and ...
To calculate the size of the sun's image in the frame of a DSLR with full-format (36 x 24 mm) sensor, divide the focal length of the lens in millimeters by 109. For example, a 500-mm lens will produce a solar image 4.6 mm across; a 2,000-mm lens will yield a solar disk 18....
He would time when to start and stop eating using a stopwatch then calculate his calorie intake generating reams of statistics. The ward had stunk of fish for weeks. His father kept telling the staff his son was ‘professorial material’ and seemed unable to grasp how handicapped he was. ...
The formulas for measuring how much brightness you will need in your space are complicated, I found trying to work out light fallout, ceiling height, diffusers on lamps, beam spread etc.. really difficult to calculate! Simplest solution
32.Length of Growing Period– Meeting the full evapotranspiration demands of crops when average temperatures are greater or equal to 5°C and precipitation plus moisture stored in the soil exceeds half the potential evapotranspiration. Astronomy ...