a program used to determine the frequency offset error of your RTL-SDR dongle. Every RTL-SDR dongle will have a small frequency error as it is cheaply mass produced and not tested for accuracy. This frequency error is linear across the spectrum, and can be adjusted in most SDR programs by...
to a Measurement Procedure (Test or Analyte Procedure) Not to a Series of Replicate Measurements Steps include–––––11/18/2009 Moses, GC; GDML 6 –International standards requiring traceability of lab results/information to acceptable international reference (procedure or material) – JCTLM (...
The energy is the amplitude (so with the fft function, since it produces peaks of half amplitude in the negative and positive frequencies after using fftshift with the two-sided fft), multiply the one-sided fft results by 2 to get the actual amplitude at that ...
How to Calculate a Lead Score Unfortunately, there’s no single lead scoring system that you can implement immediately. You’ll probably need to identify a standard benchmark before you can start qualifying your leads. The easiest way to do this is by calculating your lead-to-customer conversio...
One measure I was also interested in was something like the contrast ratio they give for displays to be able to tell at a glance how good a camera was at capturing dynamic range. Does Photoshop list an image's contrast ratio somewhere or is there a way to ...
If you're in Grid view (viewing all photos in an album), long-press a photo to bring up multi-select, select one or more photos. Tap theShareicon at the bottom of the screen and then tap theShare Tooption from the pop-up menu. ...
I am trying to measure duty cycle of a motor. Seems like signal has noise and I can't measure the duty cycle correctly. I want to consider every n samples and sum them up and divide it by n in order to calculate the average. This has to be don...
It is advisable to budget twice the price of the projector when purchasing, e.g., for a projector costing 30,000, it's best to calculate 60,000 in the buyer's mind, with the extra 30,000 reserved for future repairs and purchasing two bulbs. ...
Fishbein and Ajzen’s formula to calculate the overall attitude towards a given object Full size image Based on Bandura’s work [25], we used a one-item scale to indicate the participants’ self-efficacy for performing the task independently. The item used a five-point Likert scale to adequa...
hello friend you have to compute FFT of N samples of signal then choose the power of frequency bin of lower power