Refer back to your area formulas for the dimensions you'll need to calculate the area of each subdivided shape. In this case, you'll need the base and vertical height of the triangle and the length and width (or two adjacent sides) of the rectangle. If you're working a math problem i...
once more, I took ages trying to remember how to find the proper angle and radius for the template. Yes, it may seem easy to logical people but sometimes the brain just doesn't want to put the effort into it so... here is an explanation and a little program to ...
The circumference of a circle is directly proportional to its radius. The ratio between a circle's circumference and its diameter is pi, a constant that equals approximately 3.142. The circle's diameter, in turn equals twice the radius. A regular solid that has a circle as a face is called...
Using Θ and Earth's orbit radius (R), they calculate a star's distance (D) as: D = RCotΘ. This is effective for stars within 50 parsecs. For farther stars, other methods involving luminosity are used. Globular Clusters and Spiral Nebulae Around the time that Kapteyn published his ...
You then use measurements of the movement of objects around a suspected black hole to calculate the black hole's mass. What you look for is a star or a disk of gas that is behaving as though there were a large mass nearby. For example, if a visible star or disk of gas has a "...
Could you be a bit more specific? Let's say I want to create a circle with a radius of 30 mm. Ok... so I... 1. Create a straight path (using the pen tool?) of 30 mm starting at 0,0 (from 0,0 to 0,30). 2. Select the 0,0 (with the direct selection tool?) ...
How do you find the altitude and azimuth of a star? Celestial Coordinates: In order to describe the position of a star, a planet or any other astronomical objects, we need to use a well defined coordinate system. They might be a horizontal system which uses azimuth angle and altitude as ...
How to Calculate the Volume of a Sphere The formula for the volume of a sphere is 4/3 ×πr3, where r is the sphere's radius. That's pretty straightforward, except in practice, it can be difficult to measure the radius. Even if you have a scaled 2D projection of th...
How can I calculate the number of data points... Learn more about data analysis, data acquisition
calculating the density of a planet, look up its mass and radius, the latter of which is the distance from the surface to the center. Because planets are roughly spherical, calculate the volume of a sphere using the radius. Then divide the mass by the volume of the sphere to get the ...