How do you calculate the percentage grade of a slope? Slope can be calculated as a percentage which is calculated in much the same way as the gradient. Convert the rise and run to the same units and then divide the rise by the run. Multiply this number by 100 and you have the percent...
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How does your cellphone know which direction to rotate the display? It's all done with accelerometers hidden inside the case.You'd be surprised at some of the things accelerometers are used for. Did you know, for example, that hi-tech clothes washing machines have accelerometers that can ...
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Interestingly enough, skis were used in the Sierra Nevada Mountains during the gold rush, and downhill races were organized by mining camps. By the late 1800s, people all over the world were experimenting with skis and using them for all kinds of purposes. In 1888, for example, a ...
It was a dark and stormy night. Wind shrieked eerily around the moor, running up the dark and hill and swooping towards the valley. Timbers towered ominously in the distance, spreading out their limbs like gangly ghosts. As I paced the damp grounds, green mud-tipped grass lapped about my...
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