How to Calculate SpO2 to PaO2 (when no ABG available) When the PaO2is unknown because an ABG is not available, the SpO2measured by pulse oximetry can be used to approximate the PaO2,as shown in the Table below. *Note the SpO2/PaO2 conversion becomes unreliable when SpO2 is > 98%, but ...
calculateopeningpressures(incrementalstepsunderpressure-controlledventilationuptomaximuminspiratory pressuresof60cmH 2 O,atconstantdriving-pressuresof15cmH 2 O);andaPEEPtitrationphase(decrementalPEEP stepsfrom25to10cmH 2 O)usedtoestimatetheminimumPEEPtokeeplungsopen.Duringallsteps,we calculatedthesizeofthenon-...