Dear all, I think I now have a fairly complete working FloEFD model of an overhung pump. That is casing & impeller & shaft etc. Results sofar seem realistic. Now I am interested to determine radial load on the impeller. I tried making a tilted plane but have difficulty...
upward, and side loads and rotational forces due to overhung loads. Rotational forces — also referred to as moment forces — are typically defined as roll, pitch, and yaw, based on the axis around which the system tries to rotate
The same method is applied to calculate the average color of 𝑣1v1 in the blue image, 𝑓𝑣1,𝐵fv1,B. Then, both values are inserted into Equation (28) argmin𝑔∑𝑣1ontheedge(splitinto𝑣1𝑅and𝑣1𝐵)(𝑓𝑣1𝑅+𝑔𝑣1𝑅−(𝑓𝑣1𝐵+𝑔𝑣1𝐵))2+1...