When cleaning begins the robotic vacuum cleaner will start to move. Pressing the Start/Stop button without selecting a cleaning mode will cause the vacuum cleaner to use Auto mode. Stopping a clean: To stop a clean in progress press the Start/Stop button on the vacuum cleaner or the Power...
Noted. We have an order from Malaysia. The product to be exported are FLANGES covered under HS Code No 73079190. This is our first shipment to this country which is covered under FTA with India. The material is ready and we would like to offer for inspection ( if it is must ) so t...
We counted all people entering the observation site and their visible primary activity to calculate total use density for each site. Observed ecosystem service use was limited to visible activities like biking, walking, jogging, dog walking or sitting (included in “Other activities”), some aesthet...
To calculate the working hours required to complete this task, the data collection and mapping duration is timed. Data collection duration is one day. 3.2. QC and Editing by a Cadastral Surveyor Part (a) of Figure 23 shows the land parcels as digitized by the volunteers in green and the ...
Destinations Food Image and Food Neophobia on Behavioral Intentions: Culinary Tourist Behavior in Malaysia. J. Int. Food Agribus. Mark. 2023, 35, 66–87. [Google Scholar] Khanna, S.; Nagar, K.; Chauhan, V.; Bhagat, S. Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior to Street-...
Lack of supply to electricity not only hampers economic activities but also lowers the pace of overall economic growth [1,7,8]. Therefore, this study has considered the consumption of electricity as a determinant of economic growth and examines its impact on economic growth in the context of ...