He then goes into some detail about how to interpret coefficients, compare different models, and so on. Quite useful. However, how much variance does the model account for? AStata page on logistic regressionsays: Technically,R2R2cannot be computed the same way in logistic regression as...
When extraction reduction becomes part of a set of feasible strategies intended to adapt to water scarcity, farmers start making efforts to calculate volumetric extractions. When farmers relying on aquifer systems are asked about extraction volumes, they only have partial knowledge on this topic. Some...
PRPressure Ratio PRPerformance Rating(processors) PRPaper Round PRPro Rata(Latin: in proportion to) PRPhilippine Airlines PRProblem Resolution PRPulse Rate PRPartial Remission(oncology) PRPathogenesis-Related(proteins) PRPresidência da República(Portugal) ...
Some methods of supporting healthcare workers in changing their behaviour make use of social norms by exposing healthcare workers to the beliefs, values, attitudes or behaviours of a reference group or person. This review aimed to evaluate evidence on (i) the effect of social norms interventions...
of doing essentially this >>>which uses a lookup table to calculate the mean and standard >>>deviation of an assumed log-normal distribution based upon the >>>non-censored data and the proportion of data points that are >>>censored, but there must be a better way to do this in Stata....