Pensionable earnings are used to calculate the amount of CPP contributions due to the CRA. It’s important to remember thatCPP contribution rates, maximums and exemptionsare updated annually. With that in mind, always check for updates from the CRA or, better yet, use a payroll software likeW...
The pay per last n shares (PPLNS) method allocates profits as a percentage of the shares miners contribute to total shares (n). This payout system relies on a shift system to calculate share submission and profits. A pool might discover multiple blocks during a day, but that doesn’t nec...
Those rules can be a bit complicated, the easiest way to calculate your family CCB benefit is to use the official calculator. You can get a ballpark number by using the clawback above to determine how much cash you’ll get given your specific spot in those variables....
In this article, we have explained how to install and use theGNU compilersforCandC++inRedHat-based distributions. In addition, we showed how to use a compiler cache to speed up recompilations of the same code. While you can refer to the online man pages forgccandg++for further options and...
To calculate the foreign exchange gain or loss on accounts receivable for tax purposes, follow these steps: 1. Enter the invoice into your accounting software as of the date the service was completed. Use the exchange rate in effect as of the invoice date to report the invoice amount in Can...
The pace of exome and genome sequencing is accelerating, with the identification of many new disease-causing mutations in research settings, and it is likely that whole exome or genome sequencing could have a major impact in the clinical arena in the rel
After some time, most people will probably find some way to implement this. But here is a simple way using the DFS tree: give each back-edge an unique index starting from N+1N+1; for each vertex uu, calculate the index of the back-edge uu is under; call that cycleId[u]cycleId[u...
However, when a mathematical task is set in such a context, for example to calculate the diagonal of an authentic table tennis table, students neither perform better than they would on an abstract mathematical task on the diagonal of a rectangle, nor do they indicate interest in such a ...
To calculate the thermophysical and thermodynamic properties of seawater, add-on library functions available in the software are used. In addition, to conduct an economic analysis of the heat exchangers and dehumidifiers, the overall heat transfer coefficient of each heat exchanger is needed, which ...