How to Start an Installment Loan Biz You know the drill. You have that burning desire to start your new business BUT you just don’t know where to begin. You’ve heard about all the money being made by “lending money to the masses.” What’s that mean:“Lending Money to the Masses?
If you own a motorcycle, motorcycle insurance is essential. The majority of states — except Florida — require some form of it. In many cases, riders still paying off their bikes are obligated to have a full coverage plan. Even when it’s not required, minimal coverage could help save yo...
The loan to net worth ratio is a simple personal finance calculation that gives an idea of how much loan debt you have in comparison to your net worth. It measures how you leverage your loan debt in relation to your personal net worth — the lower the ratio the better. Identify the tota...
A secured loan uses an asset – for example, a car, motorcycle, or life insurance policy – as collateral. The lender can take the collateral to cover its losses if you don’t repay the loan. Because the collateral reduces the lender’s risk, these loans are usually easier to qualify fo...
If you’re starting a Cut-and-Sew line, you’ll need to calculate how many yards of fabric are required to make your garments so that you can buy enough but not too much. If you plan to work with pre-made wholesale clothes, you’ll want to shop for the best prices at your quality...
How to calculate the cost per mile to ship a car If you want a rough estimate of how much it costs to ship a car, just multiply the distance your vehicle will travel by the approximate cost per mile in the chart below. » MORE: Cheap ways to move across the country DistanceAverage...
When it comes to credit card management, understanding the minimum payment requirement is crucial. The minimum payment on a Credit One credit card is the smallest amount a cardholder can pay to keep the account in good standing. It typically consists of a percentage of the outstanding balance, ...
Answer to: Laura took out a loan for 1 month and was charged simple interest at an annual rate of 9.6%. The total interest she paid on the loan was...
EMI or Equated Monthly Instalment, refers to a monthly payment to be made by the borrower of Loan to the lender financial institution, until the loan amount is completely paid off. EMI includes a component of both, principal & Interest, made as a repayment of the borrowed loan....