Wind force on the sails causes a sailboat to heel. Resistance to heeling, called righting moment (RM),results from the lateral movement of the boat's center of buoyancy away from the center of gravity (CG). Righting arm and righting couple...
The formula below is used to calculate pressure at a height or depth within a medium (i.e. gas or liquid) of constant density. It is common with manometers, but can be used in multiple scenarios. You can even use to calculate uncertainty due to pressure head or height differences between...
GitHub Actions are scripts that adhere to a yml data format. Each repository has anActionstab that provides a quick and easy way to get started with setting up your first script. If you see a workflow that you think might be a great starting point, just select theConfigurebutton to add...
To calculate the force on an object rotating around an arbitrary axis, you will need to use the formula: Force = Mass x Radius x Angular Acceleration. The mass of the object, the distance from the axis (radius), and the angular acceleration (how fast the object is rotating) all play ...
-DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a"-DANDROID_ARM_NEON=ON \ -DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-14 -DNCNN_VULKAN=ON ..#If you use cmake >= 3.21 and ndk-r23#you need to add -DANDROID_USE_LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=False option for working optimization flagsmake -j$(nproc)make install ...
Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image AI that can be run on personal computers like Mac M1 or M2. In this article, you will find a step-by-step guide for
copying lmdb/ -> build/lib.macosx-12-arm64-cpython-310/lmdb copying lmdb/ -> build/lib.macosx-12-arm64-cpython-310/lmdb running build_ext building 'cpython' extension creating build/temp.macosx-12-arm64-cpython-310 ...
Calculate the inertia of each component of the system and add the values. The formulas for calculating rotational inertia of various shapes are readily available on the Internet. In our sample program, we will determine the moment of inertia by completing the questions for rotating the arm in ...
By measuring how far the laser beam travels, we can measure how much the cantilever bends and the forces acting on it from moment to moment, and that information can be used to figure out and plot the contours of the surface. Other versions of AFMs (like the one illustrated here) make...
On regards of your debugger, we are not seeing any information for Lauterbach Flash programming at this moment, we do apologize. What we seem to find are the steps for S32 Debug Probe: HOWTO: JTAG Flash Programming with S32 Debugger an... - NXP Community There is also the possi...