How does your cellphone know which direction to rotate the display? It's all done with accelerometers hidden inside the case.You'd be surprised at some of the things accelerometers are used for. Did you know, for example, that hi-tech clothes washing machines have accelerometers that can ...
An enquiry is made into whether standard sine-cosine transducers can be used to obtain the mean wind direction. This may be accomplished by separately averaging the sine and cosine functions before computing their ratio. The latter equals the tangent (or cotangent) of the mean argument if the ...
Urbanization and climate change are contributing to severe flooding globally, damaging infrastructure, disrupting economies, and undermining human well-being. Approaches to make cities more resilient to floods are emerging, notably with the design of flo
The expressions southwest by south (SWbS), north by east (NbE), east by south (EbS), or northwest by west (NWbW) may require practice from the person who assesses the wind, but they will definitely add accuracy to the readings. Now that we've seen how wind direction is often reported...
The Slope Rating reflects the relative difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers in comparison to scratch golfers. Golfers use the Slope Rating, a trademark of the United States Golf Association, to calculate handicap differentials.
Language is a tool to be used, not a system of unbendable rules. That’s why dictionaries have second, third, and fourth definitions of words. So we use the word ‘damp’ to mean planted / not twitchy / not reactive / not “harsh.” We do not mean that the ski is kinda wet. ...
The direction planes fly at Heathrow depends on the direction of the wind – not the destination. Planes must take off and land into the wind for safety reasons. Around Heathrow the wind usually blows from the west. Because aircraft must land into the wind, the majority of aircraft...
The size of this voltage is directly proportional to the size of the electric current and the strength of the magnetic field. Which way do they go? How do you figure out which way the electrons will move? You can work out the direction of the Lorentz force with Fleming's left-hand ...
Considering the given data above, calculate the mean. What is an inherent zero? Describe three examples of data sets that have inherent zeros and three that do not. A. Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. B. Average age of college students in years. C. Average monthly precipita...
15 Resume Mistakes to Avoid Knowing what not to put on a resume increases your chances of getting the interview. Hallie CrawfordDec. 16, 2024 Evaluate Noncollege Training Programs Students can wind up with debt, limited career options and wasted time unless they vet training providers carefully....