To understand the true ecological impact and sustainability of a car, it must be viewed in the context of its whole life cycle. Read more about it
PURPOSE: This study discusses the use of parameterization within the life cycle inventory (LCI) in the wooden pallet sector, in order to test the effectiveness of LCI parametric models to calculate the environmental impacts of similar products. Starting from a single case study, the objectives of...
The invisible lever behind these claims is a type of study, called a life-cycle assessment, or LCA. It is a method of analysis that has evolved over the past 60 years to give corporate strategists and policy makers the ability to make sustainability decisions by measuring the environmental im...
EN 15804EN 15978Scenario modelingThe International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - EN 15804 and EN 15978 are the established standards to calculate the environmental impact of building products and buildings. Despite the...doi:10.1007/s11367-022-02099-wVan Gulck, Lisa...
Life cycle assessment (LCA) has established itself as the dominant method for identifying the environmental impact of products or services. However, conducting an LCA is labor and time intensive (especially regarding data collection). This paper, therefore, aims to identify methods and tools that en...
Since nominal GDP is calculated using current prices, it does not require any adjustments for inflation. This makes comparisons from quarter to quarter and year to year much simpler to calculate and analyze. Keep in mind, though, that any comparisons are less relevant. ...
How to calculate home equity Tocalculate the equity in your home, follow these steps: Find your home’s estimated current market value.What you paid for your home a few years ago or even last year might not be its value today. If you’re just exploringhome equity options, you can use ...
They also have the compute power to calculate all the stress cycles and damage that load history would cause. Instead of designing the component to survive the maximum stress cycle for its design life, engineers can design it to survive the accumulated damage from all the actual stress cycles ...
Formula to calculate ROI There are originally two methods to calculate ROI First method: ROI= (Cost of Investment / Net Return on Investment) ×100% For example, ROI= (Cost of Investment / Net Return on Investment) ×100% ...
Total Addressable Market [TAM]: What It Is and How to Calculate [Tips + Insights] Social Listening: The Ultimate Guide for Small Business Owners and Marketers 3. Creating your business plan Your business plan is more than just a necessary formality. Think of it as a GPS navigating you towar...