Young electronic hobbyists and enthusiasts are often confused and wonder how to calculate LED and its resistor in a circuit, since they find it difficult to optimize voltage and current through the group of LEDs, required to maintain an optimum brightness. Contentshide 1Why we need to Calculate ...
For the Platinum RTD that I am using α = 0.385 Ω/°C, when I plug this value into the equation for calculating the compensation resistor R2 I now get sensible a sensible value of 23.1k Ω. Also, when I simulate the circuit at different cold junction temperatures the tem...
if you hook it up directly to a battery, it will burn out quickly as the current flows unimpeded through the LED. You must add a resistor to the LED circuit. This tutorial explains how to calculate the resistance needed.
A LED indicator is also a useful thing to have. Add it to the output of the power supply, so when you power the speakers, LED will glow. Check thisinstructableto find out how to calculate the resistor value for your LED. Most pre-assembled amplifier boards have a potentiometer for volume...
A simple circuit to demonstrate how to calculate your power rating. In the circuit above, we have a LED that has a 2V voltage, a resistor with a 350 Ohm value, and a power supply giving us 9V. So how much power will dissipate in this resistor? Let’s add it up. We first need ...
If you want to learn more about how the transistor works and how to calculate the base resistor RB, you can check out our guide for using thetransistor as a switch. Automatic Street Light circuit with an LDR and Relay You might have noticed street lights that automatically turn on at night...
heart disease, and cancer. It can also harm your overallmental health.Losing weightis a great goal, but it’s essential to understand that a high body fat percentage can be harmful. To calculate your body fat percentage, take your height, divide it by your weight, and then multiply the ...
Using a multimeter like this one, you can automatically find the resistance of an electronic component; the meter feeds a known current through the component, measures the voltage across it, and uses Ohm's law to calculate the resistance. Although multimeters are reasonably accurate, you have to...
Coulomb's law made it possible to calculate the electrostatic force between any two charged objects, but it didn't reveal the fundamental nature of those charges. What was the source of the positive and negative charges? As we'll see in the next section, scientists were able to answer tha...
To calculate the correct resistor value, you’ll need three values. The minimum on voltage of the logic family your circuit is using, the supply voltage of the circuit, and the input leakage current, which you can find on the data sheet or by using a multimeter. Once you have all the ...