Inverse Inverse laplace transform Laplace Laplace transform Transform In summary, the homework statement is to find the inverse Laplace transform. The attempt at a solution uses the theorem that \mathcal{L}[f(t)*g(t)]=F(s)G(s) where F(s) and G(s) are arbitrary functions. So, we sol...
I'm having some trouble getting the inverse Laplace to the following problems...I need some help F(s)=24/s^5 F(s)= 4/[((s-2)^2)+25 F(s)= s/(s-1)(s+1)
How to compute the jordan form of an operator? How to expand 4 \ cos(8x) How do you derive (1 + 9)^n from the second step? How do you do differentials? Let f(t)=2t +3t-4 . Calculate f(t+1) in terms of f(t) \ \mathrm{and} \ t . What is the inverse of the Jacob...
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How to calculate an FFT? If one function is the complex conjugate of another function, what is the relationship between their Fourier coefficients? Why is convolution equal to polynomial? Does Fourier have to be linear? Consider the periodic function f(x)=|x| for -1 \leg x \leq 1 and ...
Hello all. I have the open loop transfer function G(s) = (5s+2) / [s(s-2)]. How to calculate the maximum overshoot of the closed loop system when I have a...
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(\Omega\)cm) was incorrectly assumed to be equal its resistance (100\(\Omega\)). We estimated the resistance of the culture medium to be about 30 times lower, which lead to a reduction in the estimated E-Field by the same factor. Also, Fitzsimmons et al. did not calculate the total...
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Find the inverse Laplace transform of the transfer function below: X(S) = frac{5S}{(S+3)(S+5)} Solve by writing a command. Calculate: 45\left( {\frac2889.3 - 4.6}^2 \right) - 1065{e^{ - 1.5 Consider the following fragment of MATLAB code: A=[1,5,-2,8,0,7,2;1:2:13;...