To calculate how many kilometers per liter you are getting in your car, divide the number of miles driven by the number of liters used.If you’ve travelled 140 kilometers on 11 liters of gasoline, you divide 140 by 11 to reach 12.73 kilometers per liter. To find these two numbers, ...
Easily switch from miles to kilometers with our pace converter. Enter MPH and get back the length of time it will take you to run a mile.
Today we're going to take a look at how to convert between kilometers and miles, and back again. We'll take you through some tips for how to manually calculate the figures in your head, plus we'll give you a converter so that you can check your answers. Let's begin. ...
If you need to calculate a large area, like the approximate area of a city, state or lake, it is likely that you will want to use units such as miles or kilometers, not inches or centimeters. The basic formula for calculating area is: Area=length×width It is important to keep in ...
How would you calculate the number of nanometers in 8.1 cm?Question:How would you calculate the number of nanometers in 8.1 cm?Conversion Factors:Conversion factors are multiplicative factors that are used to convert one unit of quantity to another unit of quantity. This could be used to...
1. Convert Miles to Kilometers Multiply the distance, if given in miles, by the factor 1.609 to convert to kilometers. For example, 86 miles converts to 86 x 1.609 or 138.374 kilometers. 2. Convert Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour ...
meetings with clients, running business errands, or making site visits. Any time you must drive to complete some aspect of your job, you should calculate the miles. No matter where you’re traveling, the Drive app supports you. It measures kilometers or miles and can be used around the ...
How to convert centimeters to meters with a formula How to convert meter into feet with a formula Convert kilometers per hour to meters per second. How to convert millimeters to meters using a formula How to convert kph to mph with a formula ...
Howtocalculatethemetricinch. 1inches=25.4mm Conversionformula 1.areaconversion 1squarekilometers(km2)=100(HA)=247.1hectaresacres(acre)=0.386squaremiles(mile2) 1squaremeters=10.764squarefeet(M2)(ft2) 1squareinches(in2cm)=6.452(cm2) 1hectares(HA)=10000squaremeters(M2)=2.471acres(acre) ...
0.0238 micrometers 2380 kilometers 2.38 meters 2.38 centimeters Worksheet PrintWorksheet 1. What is wavelength? The distance between a peak and the next valley on a wave. The distance between a zero crossing and the next peak on a wave. ...