you are usually given the Ka and the Kw. For example, you may be asked to calculate the Kb of the chloride ion. The given Ka of the conjugate acid of the chloride ion, which is hydrogen chloride, is 1.0 x 10^6. The given Kw is 1.0 x 10^...
Multiply the Kb value by the total ammonia concentration and the number 4. The total concentration is the sum of [NH4+] and [NH3] in the solution. This concentration must be known or given in order to calculate pH. For example, the concentration is equal to 0.1 molar. Then the value i...
To learn more about acids and bases, review the accompany lesson on How to Calculate the Ka or Kb of a Solution. This lesson covers the following objectives: Understanding acids and bases at a molecular level Using an equation to determine how well an acid or base dissociates Understandin...
On linux, how should I calculate the amount of free memory from the information in /proc/mem? 4 How to Calculate MemTotal in /proc/meminfo 1 How to determine how much of Linux meminfo 's cached value is available as free? 1 total Ram from /proc/meminfo 75 How do I interp...
The first place to start is data storage as it’s generally the easiest for a company to calculate. For a given month, you can calculate your data volume as follows: Data stored = current data + new data – deleted data Take that total and multiple by the monthly storage rate and you...
There are multiple approaches to calculate the required sample size, from questionable logic to strongly substantiated. For strategically important ‘crucial experiments’, preference goes out to the most comprehensive method in which both “desired reliability and power” are involved in the calculation....
c# program to calculate birthday C# program to find files in a directory C# programm to count the number of duplicates in given string C# programming - for the microcontroller STM32 C# Programming for both 32Bit Microsoft Access and 64Bit Microsoft Access C# Progress bar - How do i pass text...
How to calculate gridview column total in outside textbox? How to calculate number of leap days between two dates.? How to calculate total size of the attachment? How to call a batch (.bat) file to run on server from buttonclick on how to call a button click event from a ...
I am stuck on how to write a function to calculate the value of one column based on another column. For example, my dataframe looks like this: Name Total Bonus 0 Amy 15000 10k 1 Bob 14000 10% 2 Cathy 13400 5.5k 3 David 14800 10% - 20% 4 Emma 15200 8% 5 Fay 13800 0 ...
Therefore, the total packet transfer time () would be 58 ms to transfer 1 KB data packets between the host and switch. 5.2. Packet Time Calculation Based on Throughput Let’s discuss a practical approach to calculate actual throughput in an IP connection. An IP connection adjusts the calcula...