Historically, an early work by Kalman in the 1960s led to the formulation of an analytical condition for the controllability of linear systems based on the rank of the controllability matrix1. An equivalent condition, the so-called Popov–Belevitch–Hautus test2, characterizes controllability of a...
If you need the gradients to do other things you have to use Theano. You have to get the output of your model and, define a cost function and calculate the gradients with respect to each parameter. For example: D = T.matrix() # desired Y = model.get_output() Cost = ((D-Y)**2...
Obviously, λ and ΔRQ˜(t) are known, then we can easily calculate the estimation of RQ(t) for every day since the outbreak according to (4). At the same time, on the basis of (5), the estimation of ϕt can be written as (6)ϕˆt=ΔRQ˜(t+1)IQ(t),where IQ(t)...