There are many Chinese-English language individual income tax calculators for China that you can use. Simply enter the Chinese city you live in, your income (monthly or yearly), social welfare rate, and special additional deductions, and you'll be able to calculate your personal income tax in...
How To Calculate Fulfillment Costs: Calculator and Pricing Learn about the key components of fulfillment costs, including warehousing, packaging, and shipping expenses, and understand how they impact your business operations and profitability. On this page What are fulfillment and 3PL costs? The importa...
Calculate duties and taxes with DHL Express Non-payment of duties and taxes can lead to several complications, including delayed shipments, penalties, or even confiscation of the shipment by customs authorities. Hence, it's crucial to factor in these costs in your shipping budget w...
When calculating their IIT amount, foreign expatriates need to proportion their total taxable income based on income source and duration of stay in and outside of China during the month (the specific formulae are listed in the accompanying table). When counting the number of work days in China...
Many inventory costs aren’t obvious to retailers. Learn what costs you need to keep track of, how to calculate total inventory costs, and how to reduce them.
Another way to calculate CLVis: (Average number of transactions in a time period x Average order value x Average gross margin x Average customer lifespan) / Total number of customers CLV is an important metric because it points to whether your company needs to invest more in marketing campaign...
How to calculate working capital To calculate your working capital, you’ll need to know what your current assets and liabilities are. Current assets Current assets refer to a business’ cash and the assets that can be converted into cash within 12 months. When you look at a business’ balan...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) To calculate VAT (Value Added Tax), multiply the taxable amount by the applicable VAT rate. Then, subtract the original amount from the result to determine the VAT amount. The final amount is the original value plus the VAT....
In this article •What is burn rate? •Gross burn rate and net burn rate: What’s the difference? •How to calculate burn rate •How do I calculate gross burn rate? •How do I calculate net burn rate? •How to calculate cash runway •What is a “good” burn rate for st...
A trade surplus can create employment andeconomic growth, but may also lead to higher prices andinterest rateswithin an economy. A country’s trade balance can also influence the value of its currency in the global markets, as it allows a country to have control of the majority of its curre...