000 indirectly which was remitted to the university instead to pay for our tuition. To be honest, I blew my “boom” as it was fondly referred to on the good life. The very soft life of a university student who needed clothes to look good and money to party....
It also presents one figure and two tables that are mentioned in the main text. A.1. Mapping to international occupational codes This section describes how we map 6-digit SOCs to 2-digit ISCOs. Ideally, each SOC would map to a unique ISCO, so that we could simply calculate the ISCO ...
Debt distress concerns have mounted in the recent past as countries such as Ghana, Zambia and Ethiopia have engaged their creditors for a restructuring in a bid to ease the burden on their economies. At its just-concluded 2023 Spring Meetings, the International Monetary Fund (I...
conditionality per se. Specifically, we utilize a compound instrumental variable design over a system of three equations to address sources of endogeneity related to, first, the IMF participation decision and, second, the conditions included within the program. In Monte Carlo simulations, we demonstrat...
It measures brand awareness and can be a useful tool for identifying opportunities to increase visibility and improve reputation. You can calculate SOV by taking the number of mentions of a brand and dividing it by the total number of mentions of all brands in the same category. For example,...
While it measures the same dimensions as the HDI, it has more indicators, which makes it more complicated to calculate but less susceptible to bias [62]. GDP per capita and HDI have similar trajectories according to trend data for the focus countries of this study. However, in all three ...
In Ghana, you can pick up a world class logo for $100. When I was in design school in Denver, we were warned never to charge less than $70 per hour. Not every client in Africa understands the creative process behind a logo. Then again, that’s also true for some western clients to...
The nation is only second to Madagascar (24.9 Mbps) in terms of Internet speed at 10.1 Mbps, which is higher than Rwanda, Uganda, Ghana and Namibia combined. This has seen new job titles birthed. “We’ve witnessed so many changes in this decade. The cost of Internet has...
9.Machine Performance– Logging geographic coordinates of agricultural machinery in a farm field to better understand the spatial variability cost of field operation and machinery performance. 10.Future Food Demand– Diagnosing the future food demand and planning how to fulfill the needs of a growing ...
“I think that if we had had the vaccine earlier the coverage would have been much, much, much better,” said Stephen Bordotsiah, the municipal director of health services in the Bolgatanga region of Ghana, which received significant doses from COVAX.During...