One of ourfree web calculatorsdoes the calculation for you. Enter the EC50 and Hill Slope and it will calculate whatever EC value you want. ComputingECanythingfrom the EC50 If you've already obtained an EC50value by nonlinear regression in Prism and you don't need an error estimate, ...
However, the dose-response curve may not extend between the controls (the NS controls are considerably lower than the Bottom plateau) as seen below. So, how do we calculate the IC50? The relative IC50 is estimated by considering the Bottom and Top plateaus obtained by implementing the 4PL mo...
Error bars in (B), (C) and (D) represent SEM of triplicate data used to calculate the representative IC50 values in (A). (E) Location of BimBH3 ‘h0’ and h1 residues in the proposed alternative Bax binding site, the α1/α6 interface (Gavathiotis et al., 2008). The model ...