arumb is a term that bakers use to define the inside of the bread. By looking at the way the cell structure of the crumb is formed, and the shape and size and color of the cells, a baker can analyze the hydration, flour types, and yeast amounts as well as how the dough was mixe...
The remarkable thing about tangzhong, also called yudane or water roux, is how the overall dough hydration can be kept relatively low, with fewer fats and oils, and still result in incredibly tender bread. In this guide on making a tangzhong, we’ll look at what flour types you can use...
For me, the preferred option is to reduce hydration and inoculation when I need to do small, daily adjustments. You can play with the amount of carryover at each feeding and see how your starter reacts to the change. In some cases you might not even need to adjust the hydration, just...
During a marathon, one of your main concerns should be to prevent dehydration, says Clark. Dehydration not only slows your performance, but also delays your recovery. That's why it's important to calculate about how much you sweat so you know the exact amount of H2O you need to replenish ...
While being mindful of calorie intake can be helpful, it's also important to know that the number of calories your child is eating is not everything. It can be beneficial to focus on making sure that your child is getting balanced meals full of the nutrients they need to keep them health...
up to 48 hours. If the worst happens and your freezer full of meat does spoil, keep in mind that most homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies will pay for their replacement, but unless you’ve lost a whole lot or your deductible is very small, it may not be worth making a ...
We have his and hers versions (hers=older with an outer sleeve for hydration bladder, his=newer with padded straps (a great upgrade) and a zipper pocket rather than the sleeve. Both have their benefits. We have took a 5-day trip tropical trip easily packing everything we needed in them...
In general, 1/4 to 1/2 of a bread recipe’s total flour will be used to create a preferment. The amount of liquid depends entirely on what approach you’re using from above (low hydration biga, high hydration poolish, or pâte fermentée). ...
Using the Hamwi method, you can easily calculate what’s considered an ideal weight for your height, giving you a more precise target for your health goals. Exercise is Medicine You cannot control age or family medical history, but you can control what you eat and whether you exercise. ...
In this article, you’ll learn what you should know before starting a new marathon journey; how to choose your first marathon; what the building blocks of marathon training are; how to optimize your hydration and fueling on race day; and what to keep in mind before, during and after the...