How, When and Why to use Heparin.An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.RodvienRobert
The mean transit time is measured with each bolus and averaged to calculate the resting mean transit time. When steady-state hyperemia is achieved by pharmacological stress testing, 3 additional injections of 3 ml of room-temperature saline are performed. The transit time is automatically measured ...
62,63 The FIBTEM test (ROTEM device) has been used extensively to determine fibrinogen levels and calculate dosing as reported in clinical trials.1,34,64 Maximal amplitude, an equivalent parameter to MCF, can be measured using a functional fibrinogen assay on the TEG device. The fibrinogen ...
Calculate D/P creatitine at 2 and 4 hours D/D0 glucose at 2 and 4 hours the volume of UF in the drainage bag 血标本: 0,2,4 小时 透析液标本: 将200ml的透析液排至袋中,充分混匀,取10ml样本,剩下的190ml液体重新灌入腹腔. 计算2h、4h的肌酐浓度透析液/血浆(D/Pcr) 2h、4h的葡萄糖浓度...
Heparin: How, when and why to use itAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.R. RodvienC.H. MielkeNITA
To calculate the calcium level, it is necessary to consider that, in hypo-/hyperalbuminemia, it must be corrected, since 40% of serum calcium is bound to albumin, as detailed below. Albumin < 40 g/dL: corrected calcium = (Ca2+) + 0.02 [40 − (albumin)] Albumin ≥ 40 g/dL: ...