This is the most basic method to find LCM and HCF. There are few other methods as well like ladder method, log division method, etc, I feel the method above is foolproof and there is least chance of committing mistakes.
HCF of 40, 42 and 45 is the largest possible number which divides 40, 42 and 45 without leaving any remainder. The methods to compute the HCF of 40, 42, 45 are explained here.
HCF of 272 and 425 is the largest possible number which divides 272 and 425 without leaving any remainder. The methods to compute the HCF of 272, 425 are explained here.
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Python Program to Find HCF or GCD Python Program to Find LCM Python Program to Check Leap Year Python Program to Find Sum of Natural Numbers Using Recursion Python Program to Find Numbers Divisible by Another Number Python Program To Display Powers of 2 Using Anonymous Function Python Program to...
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The latter case is the base case of our Java program to find the GCD of two numbers using recursion. You can also calculate the greatest common divisor in Java without using recursion but that would not be as easy as the recursive version, but still a good exercise from the coding intervi...