How to Make Automatic Marksheet in Excel (with Easy Steps) Calculate Grade Using IF function in Excel (with Easy Steps) Excel Formula for Pass or Fail with Color (5 Suitable Examples) How to Calculate Letter Grades in Excel (6 Simple Ways)About...
Drag the formula down and the letter grades for all subjects will be shown. Read More: Make an Excel Spreadsheet Automatically Calculate Percentage Part 1.2 – Calculating the Average Grade Percentage and Average Letter Grade in Excel Steps Add two extra columns named Average Grade Percentage and...
Calculate letter grade based on score values with IF function To get the letter grade based on score values, the nested IF function in Excel can help you to solve this task. The generic syntax is: =IF (condition1,value_if_true1, IF (condition2,value_if_true2, IF (condition3,value_if...
You need to use this formula to calculate the average GPA in Excel:=<cell with sum of grade values>/<total number of subjects>. Then, you can use VLOOKUP to enter the grades. You need to enter the Lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, etc., as per the data you want to calcu...
Below are the steps for calculating grades of students using the excel formula – 1. First, we have to define the criteria used to return a grade for the marks scored by the student. 2. After the criteria are defined, we need to calculate the total marks of students and the percentage ...
The “IFS” function in Excel also helps to calculate the letter grades. Let’s see how it works with the help of our previous example. Solution: Step 1:Select “Cell C2” and enter the formula “=IFS(B2>550,”A”,B2>500,”B+”,B2>400,”B”,B2>300,”C”,B2<300,”FAIL”)”...
Below are the steps you can use to calculate your GPA if you happen to be caught without a computer. Step 1 - Convert Letter Grades to Points Letter GradePoints A+4.3 A4 A-3.7 B+3.3 B3 B-2.7 C+2.3 C2 C-1.7 D+1.3 D1 D-0.7 ...
1. How to Calculate Averages in Excel (Step By Step) Calculating averages is an essential task in Excel that supports you in summarising data and gaining valued insights. Excel offers numerous methods in order to calculate averages, whether you are dealing with numbers, grades, quantities or ...
In this tutorial, learn how to calculate percentages in Excel with step-by-step workflows. Let’s look at some Excel percentage formulas, functions, and tips. To do that, we'll be using a sheet of business expenses and a sheet of school grades. ...
In such situations, you'll need to calculate the weighted average. Although Microsoft Excel doesn't provide a special weighted average function, it does have a couple of other functions that will prove useful in your calculations, as demonstrated in the formula examples that follow. ...