Sold price Sold cost Sold Gp 160868 92219 38036 17586 29990 18331 92020 63195 200800 162859 425282 122059 201630 134364 I have to calculate the Percentage in each rows as based on the formula (As sold price - as sold cost)/as sold price . As I am new to the Power Bi pls ...
However, if you import to an account that does not exist and then add that account later, you will be unable to see the account's budgeted data. Microsoft Dynamics GP will pick up two decimal positions regardless of the format in Excel....
SelectCalculate. Repeat step 4a through step 4f for each year in the report. After you set up all the fiscal periods, selectOK. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, point toToolson theMicrosoft Dynamics GPmenu, point toUtilities, point toFinancial, and then selectReconcile. ...
In the Assign Named Printers window, you can configure a printer to be used as the default printer for Microsoft Dynamics GP. It lets you configure a default printer for Microsoft Dynamics GP that differs from the default printer that is used by the operating system. In the Assign Named ...
This article describes how to set up an adjusting period to record adjustments that are posted to the general ledger after the year-end close process has been performed.Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP Original KB number: 871679IntroductionThis article describes how to do it in General Ledger ...
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play vital roles in life and provide new opportunities for therapeutic interventions. In this large data analysis, 3,300 inhibitors of PPIs (iPPIs) were compared to 17 reference datasets of collectively ~566,000 compou
Being a medical professional in the UK is quite different to many other career sectors. There’s less moving from job to job and many people in the sector may find themselves working for the NHS for life. But that said, maintaining an up-to-date and well-written medical CV is a must....
Roe vs Wade堕胎自由案主人公临死前承认,反对堕胎的宗教保守份子付给她金钱,要她在即将上映的记录片中宣告自己改变了立场,如今持反对堕胎的立场。川P这个从来不去教堂,连赞美诗都不会唱一首的商业流氓也会变成宗教保守份子口中“上帝派来人间的使徒”,用金钱贿赂,让pro choice人士说违心话是宗教 ...
摘要: Excel is electronic form software running in Windows system to provide users super-powerful function and easiness to use. It covers electronic datasheet, graphic chart and database and has powerful analysis function, table making tools and statistical graphics....
(receiving, invoice match or, for that matter, return) and press the scroll arrows on the bottom left to look for “bad” transactions. If one comes up, many times, you can successfully delete this transaction in the GP window; releasing the quantity. (Use scroll arrows to confirm it ...