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A quadratic function is a polynomial of degree two. That means it is of the form ax^2 + bx +c. Here, a, b and c can be any number. When you draw a quadratic function, you get a parabola, as seen in the picture above. When a is negative, this parabola will be upside down. ...
How do you put tan5=b/2 in a calculator? How does fermentation work? How to calculate leap year. Explain the types of bilingualism. How do I represent owing $50 as an integer? How do you multiply (2x - 3)^2? What do you understand by project evaluation?
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How to calculate the slope, absorbance, and concentration of a best fit line once absorbance and concentration values are plotted on a graph? Find the equation of the line passing through the point (a,b) with slope equal to zero.
What is the formula of linear interpolation? Write an equation for a parabola with a vertex at the origin and directrix y=1 and focus at (3,0) How do you prove a quadrilateral is a parallelogram when you are given the vertices? Find the equation of the ellipse given: 1) Foci (0, ...
The formula to calculate sag changes based on whether the support levels (i.e. the transmission towers holding up the overhead conductor) are at the same level. Sag calculation for supports are at equal levels Suppose, AOB is the conductor. A and B are points of supports. Point O is the...
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