Method to calculate the warm-up condensing load for a period of 30 minutes in a steam system Let: The system consists of carbon steel pipe of size — 150 mm Steam Pressure — 16 bar(g) Steam temperature (Ts) — 201oC Enthalpy of evaporation corresponding to above parameters hfg— 1933 A...
% replicate [X] to be the same size as [Z] for plotting: Xcol{ijk,:} = repmat([Xcolumn,Xbotbeam],1,NumberStory); Zcol{ijk,:} = [Zcolumn,Zbotbeam]; %% Cooridinate Point Ordinary Segment (os) % calculate span length of ordinary segment Los = (L-Lss(j))/2; Nos = Los/h...
obviously the errors are much much less than for the case of an alt-az, but the same mechanism is at work. Here's a link to a paper done by Dr. Gaston Baudat, of Innovations Foresight / ONAG fame, which gives an equation to calculate the expected amount of field rotation...
Some valves will include blind tapped holes, which may be a problem if the valve is mating with existing blind tapped holes. Another option is to choose over-sized flanges, which allows for through holes. For regular duty service valves, ANSI and DIN bolting can be overkill and alternative ...
% replicate [X] to be the same size as [Z] for plotting: Xos{ijk,:} = repmat([XTopOrdinarySegment,XBottomOrdinarySegment],1,NumberStory); Zos{ijk,:} = [ZTopOrdinarySegment,ZBottomOrdinarySegment]; %% Cooridinate Point Special Segment (ss) % calculate span length of special...
Depending on the equipment type, calculate the rack size you need. For example, network switches are usually 1U to 2U, server size ranges from 1U to 4U, whileblade serversrange from 5U to 10U or more. If the equipment and the rack do not fit, it is also possible to use an adapter...
As the force is applied to the sensor, its electrical output signal can be measured, converted, and standardized. The input force can vary between load, weight, tension, compression, or pressure, and it can only be measured by a sensor that is designed to calculate that type of force. (...
Bushings: The bushings of the transformer should be checked for any damage or crack before installation. They should be cleaned using a dry cotton cloth or compressed air. The bushings should be clamped to the tank with even pressure on the flange and gasket by tightening the nuts diagonally....
You can layout your tiles in the room and take measurements to calculate offsets and minimize small pieces during install. But I prefer a more tech savvy approach. I used Sketchup to draw the room to exact dimensions and added tiles in a brick pattern. ...
How to calculate pond liner Then calculate the liner size, lay underlay, lay the liner on top and create the beach with small pebbles and gravel. Fill with the hose, add tap safe to remove the chlorine, add pond plants, maybe a log or branch for added natural effect and leave, and ...