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5 = 390 so the mean average is 390 mm . to calculate the variance, compute the difference of each from the mean, square it and find then find the average once again. so for this particular case the variance is : = (220 2 + 60 2 + (-230) 2 +30 2 + (-80) 2 )/5 = ...
There are also programs out there that can do this for you. If you google "polyroot" you'll get links to a few programs for your computer. The HP 39/40gs graphing calculators have the polyroot function built in. If you have a TI-89 graphing calculator, it also has a factoring functio...
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Let's use the lump-sum calculator to see how much a lump-sum payment from an annuity would be worth if you invested the amount at 7 percent and reinvested the interest for 20 years. How much would you have every year in interest? Let’s assume a principal of $100...
Use the steps above to solve the quadratic equation by factoring. Quadratic equation:y=x2−2x+1y=x2−2x+1. Below is a picture of the graph of the quadraticy=x2−2x+1as well as the solutions. Practice 2 Calculate the solutions of the quadratic equation below by factoring quadratic ...
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