the pandemic has now become endemic, so it is time for the journals to get on with their work. Yet a recent polite reminder to the editor of the journal has gone altogether unanswered. That, to say the least, is discourteous and unprofessional. It will be for the courts, in due...
Hi, i have a question, How we calculate amortization Expense if a development cost of Rs, 650,000 of internally developed formula was capitalized in current year with estimated useful life of 8 years, Half of the cost include salaries to researchers?
We then calculate the fraction of people holding moderate to extreme views: f = N+/N (or N−/N), where N+ (or N−) is the number of individuals believing and strongly believing in religion (or disbelieving and strongly disbelieving). giveFnigcuoreu n1tarydiasnpdlayyseafre....
that is why I continue to hope someone will calculate the dependence of the "tunneling lifetime" of a BH against mass loss, and state its functional dependence upon mass. (To see if it is also "M cubed.") - See end of my post 38 and Chronos's post 35. Last edited: Mar 25, ...
[22] further explain how to calculate LCoE and define it as "levelised costs seek to capture the full lifetime costs of an electricity generating installation, and allocate these costs over the lifetime electrical output, with both future costs and outputs discounted to present values". Liu et...