Cohen, A. (1996) On the discriminant validity of the Meyer and Allen (1984) measure of organizational commitment: How does it fit with the work commitment construct? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 56: 494-503.Cohen, A. 1996. „On The Discriminant Validity of the Meyer and Allen...
2021). High-quality LMX enhances employees’ responsibility for their work so that they are willing to make a greater effort for the leadership and the organization (Gottfredson
To quantify discriminant validity, calculate the correlation coefficients between the results of the assessment and those of other assessments designed to measure completely different constructs (e.g. the results from a mathematical aptitude test vs the results of linguistics tests). Gather as many sets...
To travel in leisure is an emotional experience, and therefore, the more the information about the tourist is known, the more the personalized recommendations of places and attractions can be made. But if to provide recommendations to a tourist is complex, to provide them to a group is even ...
(k) and an alpha parameter, equivalent to the prior weight of a topic in the document (Tursi & Silipo,2018), as dynamic variables that can be imputed in each loop iteration (Griffiths & Steyvers,2004; Ordenes & Silipo,2021). The initial alpha was set to 50/k. To calculate the log...
We conducted four-step testing to gauge discriminant validity. The first three are relatively novel and are explained below. Step 1: A Strong Association Between Measures of Siblings Constructs. Based on Rönkkö and Cho (2020) recommendation for assessing the divergence of constructs based on ...
(e.g., Hayes2013). However, bootstrapping for multilevel models is still at its infancy and, to date, is not possible in most software packages, including Mplus. Instead, we employ Bayesian analysis to calculate credibility intervals, which are nonsymmetric intervals just like those calculated...
discriminant validity are to construct a measurement model in which latent variables that represent conceptually similar constructs are allowed to freely covary with each other (unconstrained model) to then a) calculate the factor correlations between these latent variables and b) compare this ...
(Table10, column 6), and we find significant differences. We calculate the descriptive statistics after the matching (Table10, columns 1–4) and find that none of the differences in characteristics between the treated SMEs and the matched control firms are statistically significant. Second, we ...
(Bagozzi and Yi1988). Next, we confirm convergent validity by validating that all Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values exceed the .50 threshold (Hair et al.2011). Regarding discriminant validity, the Fornell-Larcker criterion (Fornell and Larcker1981) is met, and we observe no influential ...