I was assigned a job to ProMechanica on a Rotary part under torq loading. The cylinsrical coordinate should help the load and constrain on the rotary part. Replies continue below Recommended for you How to simulate using FEA in PTC Creo ...
Mercator - Cylindrical map projection Miller - Modified Mercator projection Robinson - Showing the globe as a flat image Map area Automatic Only regions with data World Select "Only regions with data" and the chart changes to this: Still not good, US state Alaska is so big it is hard to ...
However, this explanation does serve as a good case study in how to determine the planets' positions. The simulation overlays the RA and Dec of the five planets visible to the naked eye and the sun atop an cylindrical projection of the Earth's sky. The name planet roughly translates to "...
I would like to calculate the force and torque between two cylindrical permanent magnets. I am able to get the force and torque for a given position/orientation between the 2 magnets. Now, I would like to calculate the force and torque for multiple size, position, orientat...
This corresponds to a parametric surface in cylindrical coordinates: Such a single-piece random cylinder represents a type of self-intersecting surface that is not allowed in COMSOL Multiphysics. You can easily get around this by, for example, creating four surface patches corresponding to the parame...
I would create a plane section, and export this as a stl file, and after that I would import again, as arbitrary section, and use it to plot the values. You need to set the CS to a cylindrical, and you can plot the values in Theta dependency. ...
z equals alpha, in cylindrical coordinates Too lazy to calculate forward kinematics yourself? Check out my psi = arccos((x^2 + y^2 - L1^2 - L2^2) / (2 * L1 * L2)) theta = arcsin((y * (L1 + L2 * c2) - x * L2 * s2) / (x^2 + y^2)) ...
Attitude Profile Block: Compute rotation to reach desired spacecraft attitude To calculate the shortest quaternion rotation that aligns the primary alignment vector with the primary constraint vector for spacecraft, use the Attitude Profile block. Note This block is available only through the CubeSat ...
Coordinates of intersection of a tangent from a given point to the circle[Solved!] a) Calculate the length of the tangents from the point (0, -1) to the circle...Yousuf26 Sep 2016, 07:31 Not getting how to calculate function equation from graph[Solved!] ...
MHB Cylindrical coordinates - Orthonormal system Mar 12, 2015 Replies 5 Views 2K MHB How do I calculate and use the different formulas of Green's Theorem? Jun 1, 2014 Replies 6 Views 2K MHB Volume of Liquid: Proving $\overrightarrow{v}\cdot\overrightarrow{n}$ Apr 14, 2015 ...