Planning for graduation starts long before your senior year. As rites of passage go, few are as momentous as college graduation. The commencement ceremony marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another. It's the culmination of years of hard work and a bridge to a future in eith...
To ensure that all students at a college complete the same course load for a particular degree program, colleges will often set a requirement of hours that each student needs to meet before being eligible to apply for graduation. These are often called credit hours, and usually correspond to ...
How to Prepare for College Graduation. "Everyone has a network, and so now is a great time to tap that network," says Eleanor Cartelli, senior associate director of the Center for Career Development atBoston University. "Not to necessarily ask for a job, but to get to know what...
If you need help determining which option works best for you, you can alwaysask an advisor. AShorelightadvisor can help with providingstudent visa support,applying for a F-1 visa, and supporting you inadjusting to college life in the US. Your advisor can also help you choose the righ...
College graduation announcements are more worth it than ever. Come up with a goal for what you want to communicate before you start your design. For example, you could use your creation as a ceremony or party invite, or it could just be a simple, celebratory photo card. ...
College Students: How To Prepare For Work After GraduationDimitry Karloff
“We’ve got a 100% graduation rate,” Sweeney says. “But that’s just one leg of the journey. We still can’t let our guards down. We’ve got to keep working.” To achieve their ambitious goals, Sweeney and his team need the same long-term commitment to the gym’s success that...
» MORE: Calculate your monthly IDR payments FAFSA submission data Students and their families must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be eligible for grants, scholarships, work-study and federal student loans. High school graduates who complete the FAFSA are 84% more...
For example, if you’re planning a family, you might consider a 20- or 30-year term policy to ensure your children are supported financially, at least through college graduation. Your premiums stay the same during the entire term. However, the longer the term you pick, the more expensive ...
If you’ve recently graduated or left college, you might be surprised at how much of your monthly student loan payment goes just to the interest portion of your debt. To understand why that is, you first need to understand how that interest accrues and how it’s applied toward each paymen...