Similar to the first example, the higher the betweenness centrality numbers, number of In-degree links, and the more centrally located in the graph, the more “important” that node can generally be said to be. Using this as a guide, the most important pitching targets can be easily ...
The purpose of the paper is to present an analysis of vulnerability of road networks through an accessibility indicator and a link importance index (LII). Specifically, the objective is to identify which traffic disruptions generate the most significant impacts. This methodology has been applied to ...
Our beliefs and opinions are shaped by others, making our social networks crucial in determining what we believe to be true. Sometimes this is for the good
The mutual information is an excellent measure for pairwise association, but is usually very difficult to calculate, because it requires the estimation of the underlying marginals and joint probabilities. Nevertheless, in the Ising-spin system, because the probability of each s...
recounts the capture of a courier transporting wads of cash for Taliban bigwigs. Their ensuing phone calls, he says, “lit up the whole diagram”. Since then, algorithmic advances for calculating things like “betweenness centrality”, a measure of influence, make those days look, as another ...
Betweenness Centrality (BC) reveals the structural importance of keywords within the knowledge network and is an effective measure for analyzing knowledge evolution and identifying research frontiers. As shown in Table 6, City (BC = 0.17), Health (BC = 0.14), and Benefits (BC = 0.13) indicate...
The next transformation was to convert the exchanges into a format that would allow them to have a binary value. This was necessary for two reasons: first, to make it easier to load the interactions into Neo4j, and second, to easily calculate the cumulative sum values for the different ...
This model has been previously used to analyze the overall land-use system characteristics, and can be used to obtain the key land-use types and overall stability of the land-use system by calculating the betweenness centrality and average shortest path, respectively [42,43]. The aforementioned ...
Previous local and global centrality in a social network has a different influence on innovation. For the local centrality indices, degree centrality has a positive impact in the short-term, but has a negative impact in the long-term; the impact of betweenness centrality is not significant in ...
The equation means the higher the number, the more connections a node has. A value of 0 means, the node is isolated from the network. There are other centrality measures, such as PageRank, eigenvector centrality, or betweenness centrality. ...