Very easy to calculate pricing for currency conversion by comparing their buying and selling rates; BOV: (1.1005+1.1398)/2=1.12015 which is the actual rate they are comparing to So their charge is (1.12015-1.1005)/1.12015=1.75% HSBC: 2.5% Reply Jean says April 30, 2019 at 10:04 am Goo...
QBO currently has a field to payment terms that you can adjust per customer, but in their infinite wisdom, they did not provide a means to enforce those terms or even provide access to a report so you can manually check to see if your c...
The 500 Rule is a popular guideline for photographing stars. Its main aim is to capture stars as razor-sharp pinpoints rather than star trails – by helping you calculate the longestshutter speedyou can use without noticeable star streaking. You see, photographingsharpstars – as opposed to sli...
QBO currently has a field to payment terms that you can adjust per customer, but in their infinite wisdom, they did not provide a means to enforce those terms or even provide access to a report so you can manually check to see if your customers are pay...