However, the AVA’s results took from 15 to 25 min to be ready. Hence, the air content as measured by the gravimetric procedure was used to calculate the pressure needed to ensure full dissolution as both tests (AVA and rheology) were done in parallel and pressurization had to be done ...
It is possible to calculate the expected average fragment size for a given genomic DNA if the percent GC content of the DNA and the recognition sequence of the restriction enzyme are known. For example, in a genome with 50% GC content and no dinucleotide bias, a four-cutter can be expecte...
You calculate Q by dividing the pressure drop across the channel ΔP by the polymer viscosity η, similar to the original equation for shear stress τ. This specific examples gives you another method of comparing shear rate vs. viscosity, and, through these methods...
Calculate the upthrust of liquid of the object. The buoyancy depends upon the: a. weight of the liquid displaced b. pressure with which the liquid is displaced c. viscosity of the liquid d. compressibility of the liquid The buoyancy force is:...
Learn to define cardiac output and how to calculate cardiac output. Learn the normal range and average values of cardiac output. Related to this Question What are the two primary factors that determine cardiac output? Define cardiac output and the majo...
as the above discussion suggests, our understanding is not complete with this explanation. The problem is that we are missing a vital piece when we apply Bernoulli's principle. We can calculate the pressures around the wing if we know the speed of the air over and under the wing, but how...
The effective convection coefficient heffused to calculate the thermal spreading resistance is given by equation 18. 18 The values of Rrad, Rconvand Rspcannot be directly solved for since they are functions of Tsthe surface temperature of the plate. Assuming that all the heat generated by the ...
To calculate the fluid loss from retinal blood-brain barrier we can use Starling equation for fluid filtration (Yuan and R.R., 2010), but to do this we need to estimate driving pressures and the hydraulic conductivity for the blood-brain barrier (in units of cm3 of transudate/s/cm H2O...
Refraction causes objects submerged in water to appear less deep than they actually are. The fish in the figure has an apparent depth of 1.25 m. Calculate its actual depth. For reflection, the angle of reflection is measured with respect to what? Describe the condition needed to achieve r...
Jet airplanes use very loud engines to provide powerful propulsion. a) When a jet is at rest, the noise from its engines at a distance of 25 meters is measured to be 150 dB. Calculate the sound power (in Watts) emitted by the engines. (Assume the sound en ...