Re: st: how to get age in number of years, months and days From: Nick Cox <> Prev by Date: Re: st: How to set calibrated weights Next by Date: st: RE: Re: "eval" in Mata? Previous by thread: Re: st: how to get age in number of years, months and...
How to calculate power using simulation Authors Alan Feiveson, NASA Chuck Huber, StataCorp Mia Lv, StataCorp Power and sample size analysis is an important tool for planning your experiments. Stata's power command has several methods implemented that allow us to compute power or sample size ...
Respondents also complete the Short-Form 12, which can be used to calculate the Short-Form 6D [18]. Demographic information such as age and sex are routinely collected. 2.2 Analysis We wanted to know how HRQoL changes when a person is bereaved and so we needed to analyse their HRQoL ...
how calculate greatest common factor worksheets factor permutation combination tricks spelling work sheets for 6th graders java aptitude questions solve equations with multiple variables in matlab fraction to decimal point Trinomial cheat sheet 9th grade math worksheets "c# arithmatic" Algebrai...
We used Cohen’s h to calculate effect sizes for differences in proportions (|2∗(arcsinP1)−2∗(arcsinP2)|) and standardized mean differences to calculate effect sizes for differences in means(|meandifferencestandarddeviationinNHISorMEPSsample|) [23]. We used Cohen’s suggested definitions...
However, there do not appear to be any studies that have attempted to calculate, analyse, and compare cumulative fertility differentials—versus natives—over the entire reproductive life course for different immigrant origin groups. As discussed in the introduction, most of what we know about ...
For example, you might want to find out whether basketball performance is correlated to a person's height. You might, therefore, plot a graph of performance against height and calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient. Lets say, for example, that r = .67. That is, as height increases ...
Traditionally, in the data warehouse, data completeness is evaluated through ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) testing that uses aggregate functions like sum, max, min, and count to assess the completeness of individual columns or records. These functions help calculate the average completeness of a ...
Dear Stata users, I am trying to use the ROC-GLM estimation method to calculate the intercept and slope of a parametric ROC curve in order to calculate diagnostic likelihood ratios. In STATA 11 the rocreg command provided alpha_0 and alpha_1 values, where alpha_0 is the intercept and ...
listcoef seems to get broken in Stata 10. In Stata 9, this sequence works fine: webuse nhanes2f svy: reg weight age listcoef But in Stata 10, the same commands give this error: Unknown function index() r(133); I'll email Scott Long about it. I don't know if his programs need upd...