根据However,thecaloriesintakeare linked tothe energyexpending.Thismeansthatifyouwanttoloseweight,theenergyexpendingneedstobehigherthanthecaloriesintake.可知然而,卡路里的摄入与能量消耗有关。这意味着如果你想减肥,所消耗的能量必须高于卡路里入口,故选C。(2)A.细节理解题。根据In weight loss,your diet plays 80...
The non-interactive on the other hand were all successful. How does that make sense, or what does that mean? Hi eliekarkafy sir, ddasariKiril I think where you're both getting confused (noting that Kiril posted this in 2023 and may not be following it anymore) is that...
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How to compute MACs or FLOPs of mamba?MzeroMiko commented Jan 30, 2024 We calc FLOPs based on the ref code, though it is very different from the real speed in practise. def flops_selective_scan_ref(B=1, L=256, D=768, N=16, with_D=True, with_Z=False, with_Group=True, with...
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The focus is on how to make and interpret these intervals. With a calculus based statistics approach, functions are derived for these intervals. In a non-calc class, you might study the survival function for a certain species. In a calculus based course, you might take that same survival ...
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