online game that is completely free to play. Because Dueling Nexus is automated, it is the ideal online platform for testing cards and learning the game. Not only is it difficult to perform a move that is considered to be invalid, but it is also impossible for your opponents to cheat. Yu...
As the old saying goes, nobody's perfect. This saying extends to Konami and Yu-Gi-Oh! as well, so inevitably there will be misprints and production mistakes that may make a card look like a fake, but in actuality it's a real thing. There may be an error on the production plate th...
基本的に、デッキ(エクストラデッキ・サイドデッキを含む)に入れることのできる同名カードの枚数は3枚までですが KONAMIが主催する大会やイベントなどで行われるデュエルでは、カードによってデッキに入れることができる枚数を制限しているものがあります。 制限には3種類あり、3種類の枠...
When you publicly accuse someone – whether you make videos about them, demand that KONAMI suspend them, spread rumors about them or make online posts about them, you can destroy their reputation. If you join in with repeating accusations made by others, you contribute to the damage. This ...