One strategy is to reallocation from short-term cash instruments, like Treasury bills into longer-dated securities such as government or corporate bonds with longer maturities. Historically, longer-dated bonds offer higher yields compared to short-term cash instruments especially when the yield curve st...
inflation-adjusted yields in our local bond market remain attractive relative to developed markets. For example, investors in 10-year inflation-linked South African government bonds will receive a yield of 4.1% above local inflation, compared to only 0.3% in the US and a negative 1.4% in Germ...
“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to ...
and there’s no guarantee that this decade won’t end up seeing a return of stagflation. That’s why many people are scrambling to buy gold, to help protect themselves against the possibility of continued high inflation.
Exotic Pairs –Highly liquid pairs made up of thinly traded currencies such as the South African Rand or the Polish Zloty. These can be very volatile Leverage –A “loan” provided by a forex firm to a retail trader. The loan increases buying power and therefore potential profits and losses...
The burgeoning internet celebrity industry in China has encouraged the emergence of foreign wanghong (洋网红) as active content producers
It’s easy to believe the fate of Imperial Russia or China has little application for modern citizens of the rich world. But just look at France again. That was a society as advanced as any on the planet, yet deliberate government policy choices ruined its stock market. The same could hap...
alsoinitiated lawsuitsagainst both Credit Suisse and the Mozambican government for their roles in the scheme. Furthermore, the Russian investment bank TVB Capital paid over $6 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission for its involvement, while Mozambiquecontinues to seek$3 billion in compensat...
Africa, for example, has a wide range of market development: while countries like South Africa have well-established financial markets with corporate, government, and fixed-rate bonds, new players are only just starting to develop a secondary market. Many Sub-Saharan African countries, however, ar...