was able to overcome. Today, Gumtree reaches16 million monthly users, 1 in 3 people in the UK alone. With 16 million monthly users, finding real customer insights in all that noise amounts to hunting for a needle in a haystack.
The average UK household has 56 unwanted items lying around, according to research by Gumtree, and selling these items could help you make up to £500, according to their estimates. If that's not an incentive to get organised, we don't know what it is! Decluttering on a large sca...
If you’re traveling on a budget and want to have a more memorable experience, try a rideshare. It will save you money, time, and you’ll have a much more interesting experience! Some other good ridesharing companies: Liftshare (based in the UK) Gumtree (UK/Australia/NZ) Kangaride (Ca...
Ask for the name and address of the vet they have visited previously. In case you have any queries, it’s good to know where the pup has been before. Usually the vet information is on your pup’s vaccination card. If the information they give is different on the card, ask why. On ...
UseCraigslist(operates in 70 countries),TaskRabbit(mainly in the US and Canada, though also in Italy and Spain), orGumtree(UK-based) to find paid odd jobs, like assisting people who need a few things done around the house. It’s a way to make money when you travel without committing ...
Increased resale value & second-hand usage options.An unlocked handset will retain its value much better, which is advantageous if you’re looking to sell it on places like eBay or Gumtree. You can also give your unlocked handset to friends or family members, who’ll be able to use it ...
Part-time jobs- keep a keen eye open on the notice boards of local newsagents, along with online sources such as gumtree. You can normally earn minimum wage, but higher rates may be available for more specialised work Mystery shopping and retail merchandising- this can be a convenient and ...
How to rent in England: tips for first-timers We’ve rented five properties in eight years (across three different stints) in England. Some of these were private rentals found on Gumtree. Others were via real estate agencies. I wouldn’t say the task of finding a flat ever gets easier...
Auto Trader: This is a popular online marketplace for car buyers and sellers. You’ll usually have to pay to list your car here. Gumtree: If you’re selling just one car privately, you can list it on Gumtree free of charge. This online car marketplace connects local buyers and sellers...
Avoid being tempted by discounted helmets on marketplaces like eBay and Gumtree from little known sellers. If you are replacing a helmet like-for-like and know your size then buying online is no issue. Follow this advice and continue readingour guides(particularly aroundmeasuring and fitting) to...