And all the bag & bank space can be gotten with in-game gold, as can most of the houses. And bag/bank space costs the same crowns no matter how much the current tier is in gold - so you could spend 1000 crowns, or a couple hundred? gold for the first level. Etc.) I mean, ...
They are equal to EXP, but are also a currency. Whereas you can buy the basic equipment with in-game gold, you can buy these also with AP, as well as more advanced weapons, gear, motifs and a lot more.AP are awarded as a separate currency to your character, but can also be ...
“Werewolf bite”. You can also try to get infected by Werewolf NPCs in a specific location, tho that is way more complicated than just asking someone in a guild to get a bite. You can also buy the perk in the Crown Store for 1500 Crowns, which is way too overpriced in my opinion....
And all the bag & bank space can be gotten with in-game gold, as can most of the houses. And bag/bank space costs the same crowns no matter how much the current tier is in gold - so you could spend 1000 crowns, or a couple hundred? gold for the first level. Etc.) I mean, ...