How to butcher a goatPresents information on how to butcher a goat.SHANNON, GREGORYCountryside & Small Stock Journal
Now that butchering day is over, I figured it was time to share some of our adventure with y’all. No, I don’t even remotely claim to be an expert, but I figured you might like to see some of our process, and some of the things we want to improve on for next time. Update:W...
The article reports on a move in Great Britain toward farmers learning how to butcher their own meat and sell directly to the public. Farmer Peter Coombe butchers his own beef and lamb, and his Cornwall, England farm serves as a facility for Duchy College's short courses and National Vocatio...
With a bit of preparation and tips on properly stunning your pig, you can proceed with knowinghow to butcher a pig at home, confident that you can dispatch your pig correctly. These simple steps are not hard and will ensure a humane slaughter, meat for your family and a safe environment....
Before you start operating your butcher meat shop, you must know where it is best to get the meat shop supplies for your meat shop. You must scout for meat farms or cattle shops that can supply you with pork meat.Make sure that your butcher or meat shop supplier will also give you ...
Born in 1972 in the north of Germany,Heiko Niederremembers to this day that his first contact with a professional kitchen was through his grandmother. She was a chef for a butcher company and, even though it would be something unthinkable today, she took him with her when the kindergarten ...
Generally, meat is sold by “hanging weight,” but that’s before any trimming that happens at the butcher shop. The butcher will trim out sinew, tendons, and other parts, removing about 25% of the hanging weight (or another 150lbs). ...
I got a Hefeweizen called “Weiss Guy,” because the name was dumb enough to make me laugh. Then, on one occasion back at my local butcher’s, I watched someone buy a goat’s head for their Sunday lunch. The butcher proceeded to remove the ears, then the lean meat along the skull...
Here’s my tutorial on how to butcher chickens (both pictures and a video!). The Prairie Kids hung out while we did the deed, and they took it all in stride. We explained the process while we worked, and Prairie Girl (4 years old) asked a few questions about the feathers and the ...
About a year prior, a butcher had given me a garbage bag of organ meats, which I had intended to divvy up for them but never got around to it. So I began to slowly thaw it in the back of the fridge, hacking off thawed bits every day or two or three until it was done. Within...